Born in Guatemala City on July 3rd, 1978, Leonel enters the Musical Studies Center “Polyrhythms” in 1997, where he graduated in 1998, and almost simultaneously joins the teachers staff. In 1999 he joins the band Malacates Trebol Shop ( with whom he had recorded 3 of their 4 edited albums: Sí! (2002), Sólo éxitos… (dicen) (2005) and De qué sirve querer? (2009).
Besides being a permanent member of Malacates Trébol Shop, he also works as a session drummer with several artists.
With Malacates Trébol Shop he has had the opportunity to play, besides all important cities in Guatemala, in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Suiza (Olten, Thun, St. Gallen, Winterthur, Shaffhausen), U. S. A. (Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Oakland, Fresno, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, San Diego, Houston, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Washington), Barcelona. He has also played in festivals such as: L.A. Soundsystem, Skandalo Nacional, Festival Vive Latino and in important venues such as The Troubadour, 4th & B in San Diego and the emblematic House of Blues in Hollywood.
Latin music

A: Drumming is the engine of my life.
Key Influences (Artists):
1) Vinnie Colaiuta 2) Todd Sucherman 3) Ash Soan 4) Benny Grebb 5) Gavin Harrison
Key Influences (Bands):
1) Fabulosos Cadillacs 2) Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra 3) 311 4) The Police 5) Toto
1) Where is your most favorite place to perform?
A: The best venue where I’ve performed is Kammgarn in Schaffhausen, Swiss.
2) What is the most memorable thing a fan has ever said to you?
A: I play drums because of you.
3) Can you describe your a typical day for you?
A: Early in the morning I get my kids ready for school. Later I do some band administration work and at night I study drums.
4) Who is your favorite band from the 60s/70s/80s?
A: The Beatles